Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ridiculous or ghetto baby names?

i knew a girl named Mylife and her sisters name was Chardonae their brother was Ladavion. do you know any names.

Ridiculous or ghetto baby names?
"Wonderful" for a boy. Wonderful Manz ended up playing pro football.

My sister gave her kid the middle name "Starlene," after that white trash character in "Love and a .45," that cult favorite full of meth-heads that starred Renee Zellewegger.

Wait till the kid grows up and finds out where it comes from.
Reply:Ronald McDonald, Latrina (as in toilet) heard that one on Jerry Springer, of course.... AND..drum roll please...........Lanawsia. yup- pronounced: LA-NAUSEA! I'm guessing Mom had some morning sickness?? Report Abuse

Reply:bon qui qui.


i knew a girl named princess. and another named diamond.

sisters named porscha, and mercedes.

and a boy whose named with pronounced sha-theed, but spelled sh*thead. :)

but my personal favorites..

when my stepdad was a dj quite a few years back he met two sisters named Sugar Cane and Candy Cane.

and my grandma bought a house that was owned by some porn star named Candi Sprinkles.

Reply:Lemonjello and Orangjello (twins). Nos-mo-king ("I'm going to name my baby the first word that I see!").

Went to grade school with Candasha and LaSeena.

Ariq = Eric? Did anyone know this? Oh, and all the names with silent Qs.
Reply:Shaquanda, Rayray, LaChina or any normal name with a La or a Sha in front of it like La Dawn. I worked with a lady who named her baby Syphillis (like the std) and pronounced it Sigh phyllis.
Reply:Ghetto names? Watch this - You won't be disappointed!
Reply:I read a news article about a Hawaiian name "Tahula did the hula" that is ridiculous... another was something like 6th street shelter. I don't know if that was exactly but some people make up some ridiculous names
Reply:Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii, Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, Violence
Reply:actually knew a family who named their daughter chanda.....and their last name was leer

my cousin gave her daughter the middle name of snow because u guessed it.......their last name was white

omg it's so awful!!!
Reply:Lucraetia someone told me it was latin for something like enternal happiness isnt that strange? r u having a baby? bc if u r for his/her sake dont call it Lucraetia....

Reply:Apple,wolfgang,Destiny Hope, Knox, Phinnius,
Reply:Knew a idiotic woman who names a baby girl 'Treasure'.
Reply:my cousins



anfernee (anne-fer-nay)



to name a few

Reply:I Knew a girl named Raquanda and one named LaQuita


Cinammon-sounds like a stripper's name to me





Reply:Bon Qui Qui!
Reply:Watch Jerry Springer or Maury it is like a ghetto name Convention
Reply:Sorry but I think they sound getto. I dont like unique-ness.
Reply:I knew a girl named Tweety. She named her sons Doe and Help.
Reply:chardonae... isnt that sum kinda fancy alcohol? haha
Reply:My friends name is Autumn and her sisters name are summer and fall
Reply:ive known girls called mydarling and lovely.
Reply:i used to know someone called Fizzah, and her sister's called Ridah
Reply:Dear, and SugarPie. lmfao. i would hate to have those names


ja'nas: after ja rule and nas

jadakiss after the rapper

How do you pronounce it? Kevin.
Reply:those are terrible names!

i feel bad for them.

i think Shaniqua is kinda ghetto
Reply:Candy Blue was the name of a girl I went to church with.

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