Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ghetto Baby Names?

Let's all go on a quest to wipe out all ghetto baby names... whaddya say???

Ghetto Baby Names?
My fiance's sister- has a 1 year old daughter (NO, I am NOT making this up, Lol) anyway- Her name is..

Malisha (pronounced Muh-Lish-Uh) Shang-rila (shang-ri lah) Esham (e-shom)

Quite the mouthful eh??
Reply:Lol- She has 4 other daughters with names that are just as long....

Destiny Phaness

Jasmine Jamiriquoi

Kyesha Blaze Report Abuse

Reply:and Xadrian Lotus.... And I meant to say equally as 'different'..not as long. :-)

Amazing what ppl come up with eh! :-P Report Abuse

Reply:What about Marykate or Sallysue. Is that ghetto? 2 names put together b/c the parents couldn't choose 1. Just b/c a name is common does exclude it. Think about some of our most powerful women today. Oprah, Condoleezza Rice. Those fit the stereotype. Judge not. A name doesn鈥檛 make you; you make it Report Abuse

Reply:My best friend from High School's name was Ta'isha Yvaiah Jones. Her mother's names was Cynthia and her father's name was Robert so i guess they chose to name her something "from tha hood" i don't know Report Abuse

Reply:Shaquetta, Shavonda, Tyrone, Ryneile, Andre, Shatinka.

all these names are horrable!
Reply:shenuqua, lafonda, lavonna
Reply:my two favorites are shamonique (shahmahn-eek), who was my teacher's girlfriend, and rodnequa, who was a check out person at kroger.
Reply:I love unique %26amp; different names. I don't like the "outrageous" ones but its really up the parents to name their child. Everyone has a different "taste" when it comes to names %26amp; you also have to factor in culture.

People mentioned that Tyrone, Juanita %26amp; Javonne were "ghetto" names-- they sound okay to me.

So it's not the "ghetto" names that I don't like, it's the "outrageous" names -- (including all races, class %26amp; neighborhoods)
Reply:Lafonda. From the movie Napoleon Dynamite!! lol that movie is hilarious
Reply:Have any of you every thought these parents want to have there kids name stand out some people want unique names so they dont have the problem of their kids in a classroom full of sarah's, john's, or lisa's to them it may not be ghetto to name there kids names like shanika or whatever it is they may name them. in fact i thanks it cool to be able to create a one of kind name. so no one can wipe out ghetto (whatever that means) names. Hope This Help






Misty Love (stripper name)








**These are some of the names of some of my students. NO JOKING!!**
Reply:Shanaynay! Lafonda! Delicia! Shanequa!

^ ^ Shanaynay is my favorite!
Reply:shaniqua, kaniesha, ebony, lafunja, sexkissia, sharonda, kamillia, aretha, germajesty, germaine, oceania, aryanna, kandiani, jamal, karmelistia, anferny (not anthony), afelranjia, chlamydia :)

I've heard of these twins named Orangejello and Lemonjello (pronounced Oran-jzullo and Leman-jzullo)

These are all names of patients I've worked or people I've heard of with (except the last one, got that from a Saturday Night Live skit)
Reply:You should read Freakonomics... there's tons of ridiculous ghetto names in that. In fact, some guy even named two of his kids Winner and Loser. Winner became a criminal and drug addict, Loser became a cop on the force (prob. cause it was one of the few jobs where he wouldn't get referred to by his first name, though!)
Reply:Last night on the gameshow 1 vs. 100 on nbc the contestant's name was Keekabou and he happend to be black and had his "ex" girlfriend as a support person in the audience...seems a little ghetto to me

really sounded like Bob sagget was saying ""peekaboo" I need your answer"...
Reply:Not gonna happen. People are going to give their kids weird names. How are you planning to stop it?
Reply:I don't know about wiping them out, but I am truly curious how people come up with them. I don't mean this in an insulting way; I'm serious. Names like Sara, Mary, John, Heather, etc. all come from traditions and can be found in a name dictionary. Names like Lakeisha can't really be found in any book that I know of. Is there a book of traditional African names that people get these from, or do they just make them up? And if you make them up, how do you do it? I am genuinely curious...please don't get mad at me.
Reply:Javonne, Shaniqua, Crunchia...what is up with these names?
Reply:How about Lakanesha or Teshanaya
Reply:No kidding!! When I watch Maury and he always has those guests wanting to know who the father is, it's almost always people from the ghetto that come up with craziest names. What are they thinking?!? Their children have to grow up with those names. I always hope that when those children grow up, they'll change their names. think shaniqua and delicia are bad? try LASAGNA!!!!!
Reply:ghetto? i think not. i say something more like "unique". notice that the names mentioned below are all assosiated or used most often among african americans. why? i say we wipe out names that are overused and lame like: james, paul, kimberly, tyler, kathleen, sharon, tom, brian, kelly, billy, sara, maryjane, marykate, and bob just to name a few. why not leave the "trailer-trash" names behind and use your imagination for once!
Reply:Some are actually quite beautiful..I like Azana,Nahziah,Shondelle

others are not to my taste at all..such as Dasheeky,Shaniqua,Anferney..

I know a girl by this name and I think she still hasn't forgiven her mother for it. She goes by Ana.
Reply:admirable thought except as long as there are lazy black women hoodrats there will always be chickenheads with made up names like that.

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