Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is it true that people with trashy names or ghetto names, or faddish names don't get hired for good jobs?

I heard about a study where people predended their names were "Brandy" or "Cody" or "Vegan" or "Shaneequa" and other stupid names like that. They put these horrible names on resumes along with otherwise good qualifications.

They send almost identical resumes with good, classic, sensible names, and these people were called far more often for interviews.

I can't remember where I read this though. Where can i find out more about this?

Is it true that people with trashy names or ghetto names, or faddish names don't get hired for good jobs?
It probably is true. That is why people should not make up ridiculous names for their kids , your name really does follow you around for life. Some you just can't take seriously.


Reply:Unfortunately if one submits two identical resumes one with an uncommon first name and one with say a rather common middle name being used the one that will get more job offers is the one with the rather common middle name.

Even if they are the same resume submitted to the same employer, by the same person.
Reply:Why would you want to? It perpetuates ignorance and who are you to say those names are stupid? I'd be glad to be rejected on that basis. Heaven forbid I should end up working for someone with their head up their own @ss.
Reply:I can see why though. No offense to people with those names, but can you honestly see a company vice-president with the name "Shaneequa"?

(Before you start, my name first name is actually Fox.)

but yea I too heard of that...I think it was on 20/20 or something....:)

or you can try to see if its on you tube...:)
Reply:True 100%
Reply:yep, it happens and its only because of this stupid American society
Reply:not true

but it will be harder for school acceptances
Reply:I think there is truth to that. 2D

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